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Believe For Greater Things

To say that things seem a little chaotic right now would be an understatement.  We are rounding off week ten of quarantining and sheltering in place, politics are growing more divisive by the minute, and people are becoming more aggressive about wanting their freedoms to be restored.  The news can be overbearing, and the isolation from family, friends, and loved ones is growing increasingly difficult.  

It can be hard to see a glimmer of hope.  It can be difficult to see a light at the end of the tunnel.  However, It is still possible to believe for greater things.  We can still have hope that a new normal, a better normal, can rise from the rubble created by “The Rona”.

But our focus needs to shift, and continue to shift daily onto something positive.  Something that will never disappoint or fade away.  Something that can never be taken away.

Just one word
You calm the storm that surrounds me
Just one word
The darkness has to retreat
Just one touch
I feel the presence of heaven
Just one touch
My eyes were opened to see
My heart can’t help but believe

With just one word from Jesus Christ our lives can be radically changed.Our addictions lose their power, our sins are wiped clean, and our shame no longer has a hold on your lives.Our thinking can go from “how can things possibly get any worse” to “how can things possibly compare to the greatness of our God”.

There’s nothing that our God can’t do
There’s not a mountain that He can’t move…
There’s not a prison wall He can’t break through
Oh praise the name that makes a way
There’s nothing that our God can’t do

There is nothing that God cannot do when we bring it before Him.  So if you find yourself losing patience with yourself and with your family, if you find yourself growing more distressed or angry when you watch the news, or if you find yourself trapped in the sins of your past there is a way out.  There is a way forward.  There is power that can move mountains and destroy prison walls.  There is power in the name that makes a way.  

Reach out to Jesus today.  Feel His love.  Experience His power.  Find your freedom.  

Believe that greater things are up ahead.