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Jesus Is the Same

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, and forever.”  (Hebrews 13:8)

Despite all our efforts, we cannot stay the progress of growing old.  Our hair begins to turn grey or leaves us all together for greener pastures.  We eventually find that the length of our arms is inadequate so we must begin to wear glasses.  We become thicker in the middle and thinner on top.  We used to work all afternoon in the yard, but now it takes all afternoon to find the energy to get the lawnmower out of the garage.  Our physical body most certainly changes over time.

But Jesus is the same!

You may have spent your whole life saving and using your material resources wisely.  You built up a financial plan that would make any financial planner proud.  Then something unexpected comes your way that puts it all in jeopardy.   Your boss enters your office and says, “Bob, the company is performing poorly.  We must layoff twenty people.”  You had thought, “This is the job that I will retire from in a few years.”  Our financial and work situations can be dramatically altered overnight.

But Jesus is the same!

You thought you would be friends forever but then something happens to change that.  A careless word spoken in anger, an innocent action that was misunderstood, or a simple drifting apart from one another.   Possibly, tragedy strikes suddenly and takes the one we cared so deeply for.  Our relations all change over time.

But Jesus is the same!

The world is an ever changing place.  That which we held onto vanishes like a morning mist.  But Jesus is the same.  He is the same as yesterday when he willingly gave himself so that I might have life.  He is the same today as he leads me in the path I should take and sustains my life on the way.  He is the same forever because he is God and God does not change.  “On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand.”  Yes, the world is an ever changing place, but Jesus remains the same!

Mark Fishel, missionary with Ripe for Harvest, Cambodia