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We Will Overcome

Are you anxious?  Are you feeling overwhelmed?  Are you feeling lonely?  Sad? Depression? hopeless?  You are not alone.  I have felt all of these in the last eight months.  The pandemic, the racial tensions, the riots, the presidential election, COVID numbers increasing around us.  It is a lot to grapple with, and it is weighing.

This summer it felt like that weight had been lifted.  I had gotten used to being able to see family members, to spend time with friends, and have socially distant gatherings with loved ones.  Perhaps it is because I live in a smaller town, but there was a sense of some sort of security knowing that the small community I lived in wasn’t hit too hard. 

However, now that our entire state is being hit hard I have to daily remind myself that God is still in control.  No matter what is happening around me, or to those that I love, God is still on His throne.  He is not surprised by what is happening.  The election didn’t shock him.   COVID has not caught him off guard.  Racial division and injustice breaks His heart, but He wasn’t knocked off His feet when it all started. 

God is a loving God.  He is a caring God.  He is a powerful God.  He cares.  He sees us.  He desires for us to know that He is there for us.  In Matthew 11:28-30 He says this:

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

Our God is in control.  He offers us a chance to overcome our burn-out, conquer our anxiety, and battle our depression.  He tells us that when He is for us there is nothing that can stand against us. 

On this side of heaven we will have troubles, issues, and hard times.  We will face pandemics, we will witness injustice, we will see division over politics, we will see church leaders fall, and we will get sick…

Until the day that we meet God face to face we, as the people of God, will wear our masks to protect ourselves and others, we will love the poor, and show respect and honor to those who are different than us.  We will love those who vote and act different than us.  We will support our pastors and leaders, we will care for the sick(even if from a distance), and we will love our God with everything we have. 

And when we feel like we have no more love to give to others we will rely on God for the strength to do so because that is who we are.  We are the church.  We are God’s people.  And we will not let the world drag us down. 

We will keep going.
We will love.
We will give God to glory.
And we will overcome, because He has overcome!


What Do You Need To Give God Today To Be Free Of Worry, Anxiety, or Depression?

How Have You Shown Love To Others Lately?

How Will You Show Love To Others Today?