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When Your Passion Begins to Flicker

I want to be used by God. Echoing Isaiah 6:8, “Here I am Lord! Send Me.” Although that plea can take you to scary places, it also sounds exciting and meaningful, doesn’t it? My desire is to play a role in God’s bigger story, to walk with purpose, and know that I made an impact and difference in the world.

I think we were all created with an innate desire to be a part of something bigger. God planted it in our hearts. He created the earth to inspire us, stars for us to reach for, and the mountains for us to move. Yet the brokenness of our world, and the schemes of the devil twist that healthy desire into pursuit of selfish gain instead of God-gain.

Somewhere along the lines we get caught up in the idea of publishing a great book, becoming the next social influencer, being invited to speak globally… Our focus turns from glorifying God, to glorifying ourselves. Perhaps we even excuse ourselves -if the Lord doesn’t send us out BIG, then we haven’t been sent anywhere. Go big or go home, we say! So we stay home.

If we aren’t going to publish a book like Max Lucado, preach like Craig Groeschell, speak globally like Christine Cain, sing like Lauren Daigle, were we even called?

First off, yes- yes we are! No one is exempt from God’s command in Matthew 28:19-20 to “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you”

Everyone is also equipped to do so… 1 Corinthians 12:4-7 & 11 says, “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.”

Just because our giftedness doesn’t look like _____, doesn’t mean we haven’t been gifted and called.

Perhaps like me, you’ve fallen for the lie that God isn’t using you right now. Life feels stagnant, and that fire of passion you had? Someone threw a bucket of water on it, and you’re not sure how to get it back.

Here is what I am learning alongside you… we are in this together.

1)   “Before God can work through you, He has to work in you.” – Craig Groeschell

As much as God wants to use us to reach a multitude, He first wants to reach us. Leave the 99, and save the one- save our own heart. I want to be used by God, but lately my heart has not been 100% surrendered to Him. Before God sends me out, I’m starting to recognize that He is preparing me first. He loves and cares for us, and wants to make sure the work He wants us to do, has already been done in our own life.

2)   We need to empty ourselves, and check our heart.

Imagine someone trying to play a saxophone that has been stuffed full of concrete. They wouldn’t be able to blow through the instrument, let alone produce a sound. In the same way, God can not use us if we are stuffed full of our own accord. We need to empty our selfish desires, in order to be used for God’s will. Let’s check our heart and make sure we are pursuing God’s kingdom for His glory and not our own.

3)   “You don’t find your passion, you build it.” – Liz Bohannon, Beginner’s Pluck

When you are camping, you don’t expect a fire to just up and start on it’s own. You gather tinder, kindling, and wood. Then you have to use a lot of hard work and friction to spark a flame. Rarely, does passion just happen upon you. We build it like a fire by gathering information, empathy, and bravery. Then we spark it into life by diligent practice. Passion is the result of our giftedness bringing an answer to a God-sized need that burdens our heart. We have to learn about the world’s needs, develop empathy towards them, and work hard at serving the solution.

4)   You are needed right where you are.

It may not be glamorous, but you are needed right where you are. Working at Walmart, or on a stage- you are surrounded by broken people who need love and hope. We are surrounded by opportunities to serve, we just need to open our eyes. Matthew 25:40, “…‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”

Let’s start putting in the work, so we can all be passionately living out our purpose serving God’s Kingdom and bringing hope to the world.


    Forgive me for all the ways I fall short. Search me, reveal any darkness in my heart and bring light to it. Continue to teach me your ways, guide me with your spirit, and develop me into the disciple you want me to be. Thank you for giving me the Holy Spirit, may he continue to open my eyes to the needs of your people within my reach. Thank you for equipping me with spiritual gifts and talents, give me the bravery and wisdom to use them for your Kingdom. Lord, Here I am, send me.

