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Who’s Tired? Refuel Your Soul!

Who else is tired, weary, overburdened?

While life continues to run full speed, we have been given extra tasks, worries, and heartbreak to carry. Balancing our usual work or chores with at-home distractions or homeschooling; grocery shopping with a new and sharp awareness of the threat of germs; mourning with those who mourn and carrying the hurt of our brothers and sisters in Christ. These are just the world-wide concerns that have been added to our plates, not to mention any personal struggles that have entered our own sphere. A latest diagnosis, a fallout with a friend, trying to sell a house, anxiety or depression… Whatever you are facing, fill in the blank.

Have you stopped to unload your burdens or refuel your soul?

Although God does not need rest, He believed it was so vital to our lives that He chose to model it during The Creation in Genesis. He emphasized the importance of rest again when He made the commandment to keep the Sabbath holy as Moses wrote the ten on the tablets.

There are several verses throughout the Bible that speak of the gift of rest found in God as well. His teachings are light and bring peace to our lives when followed (Matt 11:29). God’s all powerful strength and wisdom provide hope in hard times (John 16:33). His unconditional love provides comfort (2 Cor 1:3-4). His unending mercy soothes our guilty hearts and wipes them clean (Ephesians 2:4-5).

Now more than ever, we need to honor the Sabbath and make rest a consistent habit in our lives before burn out happens. Here are a few ways to get started.

    • Pick a day of the week to be your Sabbath
    • Take a Nature Walk
    • Listen to Your Favorite Album
    • Read the Bible or a Devotional
    • Serve Others
    • Make a Gratitude List
    • Meditate and Pray
    • Fellowship
    • Watch or Listen to a Sermon
    • Sing or Declare Praise for God’s goodness
    • Unplug from negative input or all media
    • Express yourself creatively: journal, dance, write, draw, paint

And most importantly…

    • Give God your burdens, your anxiety, your fears
    • Give yourself his grace

What Paul wrote to the Church of Philippi, is my hope for all of you today, “ do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

What is one thing you will do to refuel your soul this week?